Why It’s Important to Measure HR Performance with KPI

It is important to measure HR performance with KPI. The process keeps the company aligned towards achieving corporate goals and objectives.

It greatly helps to be familiar with KPI or key performance indicators. This is because it is important to measure HR performance with KPI. You have to understand that HR or human resource pertains to the human assets or the very workers that a certain company or organization has. To ensure the success and growth of the company, it is important to monitor and keep track of the performance of its workforce.

Thus, the reason behind measuring HR performance with KPI. With this procedure, the company can determine the strengths of the workforce and capitalize on them. This procedure also helps weed out the weaknesses in the workforce, and appropriate solutions can then be determined.

To further understand the importance of this procedure, the concept of KPI or key performance indicators should then be discussed. KPIs are actually metrics used in quantifying corporate objectives in line with the strategic performance of every worker and department in the workforce. These aspects are quite hard to quantify without the usage of KPIs, and this is primarily the reason behind the existence of KPIs. The figures being quantified here are actually used by the management to evaluate the present state of the organization against the corporate objectives and goals that were originally set.

KPIs also aid in determining the proper course of action when certain situations take place. In their most basic form, KPIs determine how the human assets of a company contribute to the overall performance of the company itself. Since this is the vital role played by KPIs, then it is very important to exert effort in determining the relevant KPIs to use. You have to understand that the needs of a company can shift at just about any time, so you have to be ready to implement changes as they are needed.

In any company, the workforce is indeed its most important asset. The workers are the frontliners, no matter what industry you belong to. The productivity of each employee has an impact on the company. If an employee is very productive at his job, then this would bring positive effects on the company. On the other hand, negative effects would arise when there is an employee who is not that productive.

The value of each employee is then quantified by HR departments. Oftentimes, the criteria used in quantifying the value of each employee include teamwork, initiative, quality of work, cooperation, and problem solving skills. These are the KPI used on the production side of the company. Other KPIs are used to determine the disposition employees have towards their jobs. These KPIs include job satisfaction and job security.

Other common KPIs used are training cost per employee, absence rate, turnover rate, resignation rate, average remuneration, revenue per employee, and the like.

Another thing to remember when you want to measure HR performance with KPI is the fact that the KPIs used can differ from one company to another. This is because companies have differences when it comes to corporate objectives, goals, and even their operations and mechanics. Thus, you cannot expect two companies to have the same KPIs, even if they are competitors in the same industry. However, if a company does develop an efficient system for their KPIs, then significant improvement and growth for the company can be noticed in good time.