HR Balanced Scorecard: focus on personnel efficiency

There are different tools that help measure the performance of any company. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is rightfully considered the most effective of them. No wonder, it is applied in lots of reputable organizations nowadays with the basic purpose to make their management more expedient and task-oriented.

What is the main objective of this system? It aims at ensuring that all the goals of the company correspond to its strategies. In other words, if you manage to apply this system correctly, it will eventually help you reach your business goals instead of getting far away from your expectations.

Example HR KPIs
Example HR KPIs

Even some decades ago managers of large companies focused only on financial issues when it came to making serious decisions in order to make the company more reputable and successful. Actually, they made a huge mistake, because they overlooked other significant elements that affected the company’s performance, such as the quality of products and services provided, the productivity of employees etc. As a result, they frequently lost customers (even those that were devoted before), who were not satisfied with what they were offered. Everything changed, however, with the implementation of HR Balanced Scorecard concept, which involved thorough analysis of diverse business aspects that could seriously affect its effectiveness and overall performance.

What excellent HR performance mean
What excellent HR performance mean

These days, the BSC system is often used by conscientious business owners, who are primarily concerned with enhancing the productivity of their companies by means of improving inner processes. It especially concerns personnel productivity, because these people frequently feel that they do not contribute to the basic processes oriented on the achievement of business targets set by the company.  The Balanced Scorecard system generally tends to make those goals more practical and helps the company’s staff realize what exactly they are expected to do in order to improve the reputability and efficiency of the organization. In addition, it helps the managers of the company assess the personnel with regard to their skillfulness, knowledgeability and contribution to the advancement of the organization. As a result, it proves to be much easier to define how productive the personnel are and how much resources the business will require to reach the objectives they have set.

Basically, the HR BSC tends to quantify the most significant business aspects that affect its overall performance. The thing is that it is supposed that it is impossible to change anything until you analyze it properly. How else can you define whether your business needs improvement or not? That is exactly where the Balanced Scorecard can help.