The Top Seven Tips to Measure HR Productivity In 2010


There is no denying that human resources management is a competitive and challenging field in the recent years. That’s what it has become the need for all types of business organizations these days. These involve: nonprofit organizations, corporate sector, banks, IT solution companies, printing industry, media hypes, private sector, and government agencies. Most importantly, these business organizations would need to measure their HR department efficacy on a permanent basis so that they may be able to ensure their profits successfully. Today, we are going to reveal the top seven tips to measure HR productivity in 2010.

1. Percentage of Improvement in Terms of Productivity
The very first step for a business organization is to measure the percentage of improvement of productivity. This way, the company’s directors will have to take a look at the performance of human resources department both in the present and past perspectives.

2. Quality of Recruiting
For this, the corporate directors will have to take a look at the performance appraisal of scores of the new employees. Just test out for the average here. If the HR manager of a business organization has selected the new personnel on the higher positions, then recruiting is of much quality here.

3. Retention
The retention level is very much linked to the performance turnover. Therefore the companies will have to mull over the key position of their departments from top to bottom.

4. Compensation and Benefits
It becomes mandatory for the corporate chief executives officers (CEOs) to measure the compensation and benefits of their business organization from top to bottom. This way, they will have to scrutinize the HR productivity first.

5. Employee Relations
Employee relation does count very much in any business organization or company. This way, the performance of human resources managers becomes pivotal. If they have satisfied each employee of the company to a great extent, then their productivity will be enhanced at the end of year.

6. Training and Development Impact Ratio
Make out the difference between the human resources who take jobs offered as a result of development opportunities and the workers who leave the corporation on account of a lack of said prospects.

7. HR Expenses per Employee
If the overall expenditures of the company are high without getting substantial amount of results, then various questions will be asked from the HR of the company.

Final Word

In short, it can be said that human resources department is the most important department of any business organization or company. Therefore the scrutiny and evaluation of HR has to done by the company’s CEOs on a permanent basis.