Find out if you’re ready to use BSC

One of the most common reasons why balanced scorecard fails is the fact that the company personnel and top management is not ready to implement this complex but extremely effective performance evaluation tool that links operational management with strategic goals.  However, there are so many managers that consider Balanced Scorecard to be a magic tool that solve all business problems.  The reality is not so bright.  Balanced Scorecard is a great system but still it requires educated and competent human resources.  In other words the company needs will train personnel to successfully implement BSC.

Balanced Scorecard can be easily turned into a useless pile of unnecessary documents, tables, charts, plans and schemes.  Thus, it is imperative to know if the company and its personnel is ready to implement and use Balanced Scorecard.

It is also important to know if company needs balanced scorecard.  There a several signs indicating the necessity for a company to use Balanced Scorecard System.  There are four indicators, namely:

  • Company management is not involved in strategic planning
  • Company personnel does not understand strategic vision of the company
  • There is no feedback and communication between companies belonging to one holding or corporation
  • There is no operational control in the company

Thus, if the company management understood the necessity of implementing balanced scorecard the next step would be to determine readiness of the company top management and personnel to use this system.

This is where free questionnaire on BSC from AKS-LABS comes into play.  This free product aims at determining knowledge of managers and ordinary employees on Balanced Scorecard System.  The questionnaire covers many issues related to balanced scorecard, from general information on this system to questions on key performance indicators, strategy maps, strategic goals, role of balanced scorecard in the company etc.

This questionnaire would be very helpful both for top and midlevel management of any company that is already using balanced scorecard or about to use it.  At the same time, it would be very cute in the company management checks knowledge of ordinary employees on balanced scorecard, its role in the company, basic principles and personnel contribution to implementation of strategic goals.

Undergo a BSC test to check your knowledge
Undergo a BSC test to check your knowledge

Using results analysis section it is possible to find out if one is ready to use balanced scorecard.  There are three options available: excellent results, which means complete knowledge on balanced scorecard, good results which is general knowledge on BSC and its principals, and improve your Balanced Scorecard knowledge which means that there is much to be learned about BSC.

Learn more about BSC questionnaire here.

Download questionnaire from this page

Are you ready to use BSC in your company?
Are you ready to use BSC in your company?