HR assessment in education

Management of personnel is especially important in humanitarian areas.  In such fields as education, government or sports it is imperative to have well educated, satisfied and competent staff.  Interaction with people and learning requires excellent communication skills, deep knowledge of various issues as well as readiness to overcome obstacles.  Human resource management is about preparing personnel to work with people and sure finding competent employees.

Human resource management is an inseparable part of any management system.  It is impossible to reach strategic goals and local objectives without having the right people in the company.  Even the best managerial plan supported by sufficient investments will fail in case business or an organization doesn’t have efficient personnel.  Professionalism is not only about sound knowledge and excellent skills.  This is also about having the right attitude towards the business.

Human resource management in the field of education is a true art.  Usually, well-known professors and lecturers are very interesting and unusual people who require a special approach.  Moreover, the image of the university is partially formed by such professors and lecturers.  That’s why, it is important to retain personnel and the educational establishment for as long as possible.  Besides, there is a tough competition in the field of education.  That’s why most universities and schools improve professional level of their teaching staff.  In order to measure HR performance at the educational establishment of any level the following key performance indicators are recommended:

  1. Average tenure per employee. As already said above, universities are interested in retaining professionals.  To the longer professor or lecturer is employed with the university, of the better the image of the university.  When choosing educational establishment, students often look at the number of professors.  Those lecturers who have worked for the university for 20 of 30 years create the most positive image and provide students with high quality education.  Average tenure per employee indicates employee satisfaction is well.  If the person is staying with the same educational establishment for a long time or even his entire life, then he is satisfied with the working conditions and his compensation.  University is with great personnel turnover usually failed to offer students solid education.  For this reason, HR managers and universities should pay a special attention to such an indicator as average tenure per employee.
  2. Average number of training hours per employee.  Education and science are constantly evolving.  New inventions are made and new branches of science appear. Students demand different approaches.  That’s why education staff must undergo regular training to improve professional level, learn new teaching methods and techniques, exchange view viewpoints with colleagues etc.  A teacher working for 10 or more years at the same level without any training will not have any promotions and his career and is unlikely to offer modern students quality education.  So, average number of train hours per employee indicates professional level of education staff and their willingness for self education.

Finally, it should be repeated that approaches to personnel in the education area must be very smart and subtle.